Clockwise from Top Left: Sem & Margaret Bendheim,
The Bendheim Building, The Glashütte Lamberts
The History of Bendheim and Lamberts Glass
For over 85 years, Bendheim and Glashütte Lamberts of Germany have worked together to bring the finest mouth-blown sheet glass to North America.
The early 1980's mark an important benchmark in our partnership, as Bendheim identified the need for a genuine hand-made glass for use in the restoration of public buildings, as well as homes and furniture. Working closely with Lamberts and their traditional methods of blowing cylinder glass, we recreated the look and feel of original glass made during the 17th through early 20th centuries.
Our collaboration resulted in an exclusive glass worthy of the designation Restoration Glass® - a registered Bendheim trademark.
To this day, each sheet of Bendheim restoration window glass is hand selected at Lamberts in order to ensure you receive the finest quality. We take great pride in being able to offer this special glass to you.
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